Long Island East District
Long Island East District
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
of the New York Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church
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Imagine No Malaria resources:
contact NYAC's  INM coordinator Lynda Gomi at lgomi@nyac.com

Imagine No Malaria



NYAC's fight against malaria continues:* 

$771,211.05 total collected toward our goal of $1,200,000.

$235,534.52 Total collected in 2015.

$61,215.60 Amount collected at Annual Conference.

190 Number of churches who have donated in 2015 Click>> to see a list of the 190 churches, 3 district offices and 1 caucus.

$4870 Amount pledged at Annual Conference 2015.

Celebrating at Annual Conference:

The final installment of the$50,000 pledge made by Stevens Memorial in 2008 was presented to Bishop Middleton by Pastor Michael Barry during the Imagine No Malaria celebration at Annual Conference (AC) 2015.

Pledge cards are still being accepted. You or your church can make a pledge. Download pledge card and mail to: INM 20 Soundview Ave, White Plains, NY 10606. We have until May 2016 to complete pledges.

Watch the Imagine No Malaria Superhero Tales video made atIgnite 2015. See more photos from AC on facebook>>  
Meet the Swami of SwatMr. Malariathe district field coordinators and Episcopal Superhero JAM.

Resources from ImagineNoMalaria.org>>

Stay tune for the next NYAC Malaria by the Numbers update.

* All numbers are as of June 30, 2015

Bishop Middleton's letter:
Message from Bishop Jane Allen Middleton

Dear Beloved Sisters and Brothers,

As we enter this holy season of Lent, I am writing to you about a life or death issue. Malaria kills over 500,000 of God’s children every year, mostly in Africa. The good news is that since 2000 malaria deaths in Africa have been cut in half from 1,000,000/year. How is this possible?

The reason for this amazing reduction of malaria deaths has been a worldwide campaign to eradicate this deadly disease. Several organizations have joined together to reduce malaria deaths to zero, much as polio was eradicated in the 1960’s. These organizations include, among others: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Global Fund and The United Methodist Church.

The United Methodist Church calls its campaign, “Imagine No Malaria” and has a goal of raising $75 million by the end of 2016. The New York Annual Conference part of this goal is $1.2 million and we are a little less than halfway there (we’ve raised $550,000). I believe we can reach our goal!

It is time for a “final push” for us to reach our goal! I am asking that each congregation contribute $10 per member by April 25: World Malaria Day. This would allow us not only to reach our goal but to possibly exceed it! Here is a link for donating: https://ny-reg.brtapp.com/ImagineNoMalariaCampaign. We will celebrate our victory to help eradicate Malaria at our Annual Conference Session in June!

There are several ways to meet this $10/member goal: (1) take a special offering for World Malaria Day during Lent, (2) make a gift from church mission funds, (3) use Easter, this great celebration of Christ’s resurrection to make a sacrificial offering to eradicate malaria and bring new life and hope, or (4) hold a fund-raiser. Please take a look at the ideas and resources available to you at http://www.nyac.com/inm. INM coordinator Lynda Gomi (lgomi@nyac.com) is ready to assist you with fundraising and to answer questions.

I know we can do this and that we must do it. Lives of precious women, men and children are at stake. Seldom has there been a greater opportunity to save a life and make a difference.

I believe that God’s yearning for the people of the New York Annual Conference is to help defeat this deadly disease. Will you join with me in making this final push to reach our goal?

In Christ's love,

Bishop Jane Allen Middleton

New York Annual Conference
 - 20 Soundview Ave. - White Plains, NY 10606 
Phone: 914.997.1570 - Toll free: 888.696.6922

Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.