Long Island East District
Long Island East District
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
of the New York Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church
Search this site.View the site map.
Visit us on Facebook.

Join a study group:

Mondays, 7 PM Bible Study via Zoom, Centerport UMC. Contact Meredith.fichtel@gmail.com

Tuesdays, 5-6:30 PM: Romans Bible Study, in person and at St Paul’s UMC and on zoom Contact:gscathy@optonline.net

Wednesdays 10 AM Bible Study with Pastor Rich at Centerport UMC ~ no prior Bible experience necessary! Contact: RevRichA@aol.com

Wednesdays, 7 PM: Small Group Study via Zoom on Led by Cathy McDonough. Contact: gscathy@optonline.net,  Zoom link

Thursdays, 10:30 AM "The Chosen" viewing group, Union UMC

Join a prayer group:
Weekly Prayer Team via Zoom on Sundays 7pm, led by St Paul's.  Contact: david.czeisel@nyac-umc.com
Weekly Prayer Call: Tuesdays 8:30 - 8:45 AM - On Phone:  Please dial (425) 436-6372 - then enter the access code 1870004#. Led by Centerport UMC
Weekly prayer Call at 8am, call 518-318-5589, no ID code necessary, led by West Hills
Contact: Claire Burvenich cburvenich@gmail.com
Join a Wellness Group
Mondays & Fridays, 9-10 AM, Huntington  Strength-to-go class, a low impact exercise class open to both men and women. For info contact: umchcsh@optonline.net
Help Support a Mission Project
St. Paul’s UMC Thrift Shop, Sorters (M, W, F) or Sellers (T, Th, Sat) needed.  Contact  631-261-0804.
Pill Bottle Collection at West Hills UMC, clean, empty pill bottles with labels removed 
Contact: Claire Burvenich cburvenich@gmail.com
Postage Stamp Project at West Hills UMC
Contact: Claire Burvenich cburvenich@gmail.com
Eyeglass collection at Union UMC
Contact church office 631-261-1221
Prayer Shawl Ministry at West Hills UMC 
Contact: Claire Burvenich cburvenich@gmail.com
Agape Garden at Dix Hills UMC, Wednesdays, 8-10 AM, harvest vegetables to donate to a local food pantry.
contact: lahees@aol.com
Parish Council Meetings
First Tuesday, of the month, 7:30 PM 

Music Festival Committee 
next meeting - Dec. 5, 8:30 PM
 last updated 10/10/2024

North Shore Suffolk Cooperative Parish

Mid-day Wednesday worship services and
lunches during lent in
Northport, Huntington, East Northport and Centerport

Wednesdays March 12 & 26
(2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month)
St. Paul's UMC, Northport
Dinner Church - ALL are welcome!

Saturday March 15, 3-5 pm
Dix Hills UMC
 Calling All Chairs, and Committee Members
to network together 

 March 24th, 1:30-7:30pm
St. Paul's UMC, Northport
 Blood Drive

Friday, April 4, 6:30 PM, Union UMC, East Northport
Military Bridge game and fund-raiser

Holy Week and Easter Services

Saturday, May 17, 6-10 PM
Bible UMC, Dix Hills
Gala Dinner to support the Magic Penny

 Thursdays, 12:30 pm, Cafe Portofino, Northport
Day-time Alpha Class
 Come to the intro day - there is no obligation to attend the rest of the course,
so you have nothing to lose!   
The course itself will start on January 16th at 12:30pm
Check out this intro video:  Alpha Invite Winter 2025.mp4
Scenes from Music Celebration 2-2-25
 Read the recent newsletters:   
Centerport UMC

97 Little Neck Road

Centerport, NY 11721

(631) 261-5222



Facebook page 


Dix Hills UMC

400 Deer Park Avenue

Dix Hills, NY 11746

(631) 499-1940



Facebook page

Huntington-Cold Spring Harbor UMC

180 West Neck Road

Huntington, NY 11743

(631) 427-0326



Facebook page

 St. Paul's UMC (Northport)

270 Main Street

Northport, NY 11768

(631) 261-0804





Union UMC (East Northport)

1018 Pulaski Rd

East Northport, NY 11731

(631) 261-1303



Facebook page



West Hills UMC (Huntington Station)

1 West Hill Court

Huntington Station, NY 11746

(631) 271-4474 



Facebook page


Woodbury UMC

577 Woodbury Road

Woodbury, NY 11797

(516) 692-7179  



Facebook page


Mission Statement
Facilitate sharing of relevant and accurate information about the future of our denomination and create small group opportunities for deep listening, understanding and sharing
Working together to support our common mission
Send information about your parish or your church to: webmaster@liedistrict.com