Long Island East District
Long Island East District
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
of the New York Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church
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All information on this page is posted just as it was received
and is not verified by LI East District staff.  
Anyone pursuing these leads should exercise due diligence.
Help Wanted:  (Newest posts at the top)
(posted 1/5/2025)
Church Pianist/Organist
West Hills UMC in Huntington Station seeks an accompanist for Sunday morning worship.  Read more...

Help Available: (Newest posts at the top)
Pastoral Counseling
Rev. Dr. Penny L. Gadzini Professional Care for Mind, Heart and Soul.
Locations in Northport and Babylon
Call (917)287-0583 or email pennygadzini@aol.com

Space to share: (Newest posts at the top)

Building Available for Use 
First United Methodist Church located on Wheeler Road in Central Islip has several indoor and outdoor spaces available for one time or on-going use.   Read more...

(posted 9/4/15)

First United Methodist Church in Roosevelt has space available to share with another congregation or nonprofit. The church is located at 30 Union Place (the corner of Whitehouse Avenue). The sanctuary seats 200 people and is available Sunday mornings  7 to 9 a.m., Sunday afternoons from 4 to 6 p.m. Space is also available for a variety of activities during the week, including office space. There is ample on-street parking and a municipal parking lot next door. For further information please contact Pastor Andrea Smith or Sheila Clements at rooseveltumc@gmail.com

(posted 9/4/15)

Hillside United Methodist Church in New Hyde Park has space they would be glad to share with another congregation, school, or not-for-profit agency. Their chapel seats 35 and is available Sunday afternoons between 1 and 4 p.m. They also have three classrooms, a children’s room, and a meeting room/library that they might be able to share. For further information, contact Bob Graf at 516-741-5148.

Items needed:  (Newest posts at the top)


Items available:  (Newest posts at the top)

 (posted 9/19/2023)

Two families at Grace UMC Lindenhurst have lost loved ones and have free items for other churches to use and enjoy!

  1. Yarn – lots of yarn! Great for a prayer shawl ministry!
  2. Lowery Organ – 50yrs old, needs tuning, etc. “Venus with Genie” model
  3. Fabric – all types

Please contact Lori Janson 631-356-5716 for more information.

 (posted 5/26/2022)
Lowrey Organ
 family would like to donate a beautiful gently used Lowrey organ. It is now at a private home in Syosset Long Island. Please contact Michele Sanchez, mfestasanchez@gmail.com